About Boaz Schwartz

Dr. Boaz Schwartz is the managing director at Deutsche Bank, Israel. He is mostly known for his impact and involvement in the Leumi bank share sales, as well as the role he plays in the renewable energy industry.


After graduating from the Tel Aviv University with both a BA and MSc in Electrical Engineering, Boaz Schwartz has moved to the United States for additional business schooling. He then obtained an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania with flying colors only to proceed yet another degree – a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Chicago.

After that, Boaz has successfully represented the interests of Smith Barney in Israel through heading his own private investment-banking firm.
In 1997, Dr. Schwartz has earned the seat of the managing director in the Israeli Deutsche Bank where he has overseen a series of game-changing events in the financial sphere. They include but are not limited to:
-          The acquisition of Cellcom by Discount
-          HP’s acquisition of Scitex Vision
-          The acquisition of Astaris by the Israel Chemicals
-          The acquisition of Azorim by the Karadan Group
Most of Boaz’s work in the Deutsche Bank revolved around private and enterprise capital raising, tax enhanced financing, M&A business strategy, and general financial advisory.

Role in economy

Israel, while sitting on an insanely potent pool of nearly 25 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, is still quite far from what major international energy companies believe an investment opportunity to be. And while the lion’s share of their doubts are not caused by Israel per se, but rather by its unrepeatable neighbors such as Palestine, Syria, or Egypt, its own government’s policies only ad oil to the fire. r
"Every day, I am amazed anew, when I see how the country destroys national assets. Israeli regulators act as if they are in the Third World”, Dr. Schwartz said on the matter. Boaz is actually among those future-oriented businessmen who fight the good fight of transforming their country into a prosperous land of opportunities for investors allowing it to bloom as a major economic hub on a global scale.  
